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Visit the English Only Forum. Backdraft can be described as a small explosion. The most common tactic used by firefighters in defusing a potential backdraft is to ventilate from the highest point, allowing the heat and smoke to escape without igniting explosively. by Ryan Carpenter October 14, 2006 Backdraft meaning.
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Reverse taper which would prevent removal of a pattern from a mold or a core from a corebox. A backdraft is a rapid or explosive burning of superheated gasses in a fire, caused when oxygen rapidly enters an oxygen-depleted environment; for example, However, a smoke explosion is a distinctly different phenomenon to backdraft in a number of ways. This paper seeks to define the distinction between backdrafts 30 Mar 2018 In this exercise, the instructor lets the fire develop into fully developed fire. Doors are closed when the fire is still burning with lots of fuel available. A backdraft can occur in the hot-smoldering phase of a fire when burning is As used in the passage, the word sustain most nearly means. A. maintain. Brian initially refuses but when he has too many confrontations with Stephen, he takes the job.
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(backdraft) is clearly understood in the USA to be distinct from flashover. Use of the word backdraught (or Many translated example sentences containing "backdraft from" – Spanish- English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Backdraft refers to discomfort that may arise when we give ourselves compassion .
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1. a reverse movement of air, gas, or liquid. 2. an explosion that occurs when air reaches a fire that has used up all the available oxygen, often The Taoyuan Fire Department described the dangerous “backdraft” conditions which ultimately led to the loss of six firefighters today.The department said tha Gav and Dan film one of the most dangerous occurrences in a firefighter's occupation in terrifying 4K slow motion. A backdraft is a smoke explosion that can occur when additional air is introduced into a smoldering fire and heated gases enter their flammable range and ignite with explosive force. 3 A backdraft 2020-01-30 · A backdraft is created when an appliance or device uses combustion that isn't properly vented, allowing the exhaust to be pulled back into the home.
Backdraft. meaning. (firefighting) An extreme fire behavior phenomena involving ignition of products of combustion (such as carbon monoxide) and pyrolysis products upon introduction of oxygen to a …
Definition of backdraft in the dictionary. Meaning of backdraft. What does backdraft mean? Information and translations of backdraft in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. An explosive surge in a fire produced by the sudden mixing of air with other combustiblegases.
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1 A current of air or water that flows backwards down a chimney, pipe, etc. ‘when she opened the window she created a backdraught that sucked the fire right through the bedroom’. More example sentences. ‘He won the race after the lead Plymouth spun out temporarily when it lost its rear window to the suction of the backdraft.’.
Introduction of atmospheric oxygen results in explosive combustion.
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an explosion that occurs when air reaches a fire that has used up all the available oxygen, often The Taoyuan Fire Department described the dangerous “backdraft” conditions which ultimately led to the loss of six firefighters today.The department said tha Gav and Dan film one of the most dangerous occurrences in a firefighter's occupation in terrifying 4K slow motion. A backdraft is a smoke explosion that can occur when additional air is introduced into a smoldering fire and heated gases enter their flammable range and ignite with explosive force. 3 A backdraft 2020-01-30 · A backdraft is created when an appliance or device uses combustion that isn't properly vented, allowing the exhaust to be pulled back into the home. It can be deadly, if you don't fix it ASAP. New Backdraft extruder from American Kuhne, Ashaway, Rd., has a reverse-air cooling system suited especially to blown film that removes heat and undesireable air currents from the extrusion area for optimum bubble stability while also improving energy efficiency. backdraft meaning in Hindi with examples: लघु मुख click for more detailed meaning in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. is an online network packed with the latest in fire investigation education, training, resources and podcasts.
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1 A current of air or water that flows backward down a chimney, pipe, etc. ‘when she opened the window she created a backdraft that sucked the fire right through the bedroom’. backdraft: An extreme fire behavior phenomena involving ignition of products of combustion (such as carbon monoxide) and pyrolysis products upon introduction of oxygen to a compartment. In this phenomena the fuel generally is at a high temperature (above 600 degrees C), but combustion is limited by a lack of oxygen. 2021-03-23 · A “backdraft” in your home is created when an appliance or device uses combustion (an open flame) that isn’t properly vented, allowing the exhaust to be pulled back into the home. Translations in context of "backdraft" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: The backdraft was set up somewhere in there. Backdrop definition, the rear curtain of a stage setting.
Video shows what backdraft means. An extreme fire behavior phenomena involving ignition of products of combustion (such as carbon monoxide) and pyrolysis pro 1. a reverse movement of air, gas, or liquid 2.