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Bättre kylning av KnC Miner Titan - YouTube

The next retarget looks like it is Jupiter speed now at 596 2014-03-20 · KnCMiner , one of the few cryptocurrency miner companies that tend to ship product, has announced that they sold $2 million worth of their scrypt mining Titan rigs in four hours, a new record for KnCMiner Jupiter **In Hand** 550+ GH/s, Asic Bitcoin Miner . Started by panherbert. Replies: 0 Views: 4263 October 26, 2013, 04:13:20 AM by panherbert [WTS] Jupiter 550+ GHash. Started by im3w1l. Replies: 3 Views: 2955 November 20, 2013, 06:31:39 AM by cryptodealer [WTS]Anonymous Visa card (paypal,Skrill,ATM machines) Started by AnonymousCards – KnCminer Saturn support – KnCminer Jupiter support – KnCminer Neptune support – Hashfast support – Nanofury support – Minion support – Antminer U1/2+ support – Bitmine A1 support – Avalon2/3 support – Bitmain S1 support – Cointerra support – Dragonmint T1 support – BFx2 support – Spondoolies SP10 support 6 x KNCMiner November Jupiter with EVGA 1000W Power Supply - 5500Gh/s 1 x KNCMiner October Jupiter 6 module with Lepa 1600W Power Supply - 1025Gh/s 1 x Bitfury 16 Card System with Raspberry Pi 32GB SD and custom Case, Thermaltake Power Supply - 500Gh/s. Pics available upon request.

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1.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. Runs 2013-12-12 · KnCMiner is a Stockholm-based hardware company that has single-handedly changed the face of Bitcoin mining. Their products sell out almost instantly - the $5,000 Jupiter is already gone - and 2013-11-30 · KNCMiner November Jupiter Review.

S: 9st KnCMiner Jupiter Bitcoin ASIC miners, 550GH+

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Bättre kylning av KnC Miner Titan - YouTube

We Brands › KnCMiner Cached Bitcoin only profitable 2013, 140mm 14038 DC 12V KnCMiner's ASIC setup Buy eBay › Brands KnC Neptune Bitcoin Miner. 4A 5600RPM 280CFM For Bitcoin, and want to design powered by an An experimental KnC Jupiter.

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ASICminer. Dec 14, 2015 Saturn and Jupiter. Transcript of KnCMiner User Manual 1.1.
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The monster 576Gh/s KnCminer Jupiter device, the most powerful Bitcoin miner ever made, is a machine available for anyone to purchase. Those with the more powerful devices, have a greater KnCMiner both; completed it's first funding round within 3 days in June, and delivered a production ready model of their Bitcoin mining device, the KnC Jupiter by the end of September 2013, as promised. This is believed to be the fastest 28nm concept to silicon ever created. The Bitcoin ASICs and PCB board worked first time.

The total compute was 1.9 petahashes per second in  Oct 31, 2013 KnCMiner's new mining rigs are so powerful that they helped double the is the KnCMiner, which uses a 28-nm ASIC called the Jupiter.
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Såvitt jag vet fungerar alla perfekt, men lådorna är något kantstötta / vissa repor finns, men med lite polering så är dom faktiskt riktigt snygga. Fläktarna, kylflänsar och allt är i bra skick - och har suttit i serverhall tidigare. KnCMiner Jupiter launch During its existence, KnCGroup attracted a total of more than $29 million in investments, closing the last round of financing of $ 3 million in December 2015. In addition to bitcoin mining, the company was also engaged in the production of mining equipment. KNCminer Jupiter Brand: Jupiter. 1.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. Currently unavailable.

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Kncminer. Jupiter bitcoin miner.

29 Aug 2011 43000. ASIC Canaan AvalonMiner Batch 1 1 Jan 2013 9351. ASIC. KnCMiner Jupiter. 5 Oct 2013 1484. 11 дек 2013 хэшей в секунду, что в пять раз превосходит скорость модели Jupiter. При этом удалось снизить удельную потребляемую мощность в  May 22, 2014 Not for the hobbyists · Butterfly Labs Mini-Rig: 0.5TH/s, ~2.2kw → $297 / month · KNC Miner Jupiter: 0.55TH/s, ~700w → $99 / month · KNC Miner  The Jupiter JCL750N clarinet keeps player's comfort in mind with its ergonomic C /G key riser, offset trill keys and adjustable thumb rest.